Attention iOS Developers: Build Configurations When Updating BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS

ANNOUNCEMENTS / 04.25.18 / Jeff J.

In case you missed it, we have released a new version of the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v4.0. Learn about new features and enhancements in this release.

When updating to the version 4.0, there are two build configuration changes that you need to apply for your project after installing the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS.

Here are the changes. Open your project in Xcode:

1. *.sc3 URL Scheme: Add *.sc3 URL Scheme into info.plist
For example, we have added Item 2 with the string “” into our sample app – RSSReader which is installed with the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS.

2. Face ID declaration: Declare a purpose for using Face ID. The declaration goes in the Info.plist file, in the NSFaceIDUsageDescription

For example, the following key and value could be added.

<key>NSFaceIDUsageDescription</key> <string>Enables authentication without a password.</string>

To learn more, check out release notes for the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS version 4.0 as well as Build Configuration for iOS.

Hope this helps! Stay tuned for our next blog!

About Gurjit Ghangura

Enterprise Solutions Developer, Love BlackBerry, Developer at Heart.

Jeff J.

About Jeff J.

As a part of the Enterprise Solutions Team, I work to bring the latest BlackBerry software and security features to life on the Android platform.