Research conducted in 2016 by Forbes Insights (Link to PDF) shows that when employees have access to enterprise mobile apps, great things happen. Productivity increases with employees completing tasks from any location. Collaboration with customers improves, boosting sales and loyalty. And profitability improves as employees are more productive and customers stay loyal.
So, why doesn’t every organization have the mobile app advantage? The research found that security and compliance, legacy systems and lack of resources where the key impediments to mobilizing workforces.
The BlackBerry Application Platform helps you address all three challenges. BlackBerry understands enterprise needs so as a developer you’ll be building your solutions with hardened enterprise grade components many of which have NIAP certifications. We understand that building the right mobility solution is important but so is building it quickly. Our platform can do the heavy lifting while you focus on delivering business value.
Learn more on how to get the app advantage by registering for the Enterprise Apps Newsletter or, or discover through our marketplace secure feature-rich solutions with our full catalogue of enterprise apps that are ready to go.