BlackBerry Dynamics Sample App: OpenURL (iOS)


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Screenshots of the splash screens

Of the many things that can be done with BlackBerry Dynamics SDK, I wanted to demonstrate how to use the OpenURL API method in an iOS project.

The intended providers of this service would be browser-like applications that support HTTP/S protocol and can display the downloaded content. The caller application should yield the foreground to the service provider, so that service provider can display the content downloaded to the user.

There are numerous BlackBerry Dynamics sample apps made available to enterprise developers which demonstrate how the SDK easily integrates secure functionality within your app. Today we’ll focus on the OpenURL sample application and its usefulness.

After installing the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK version the moment) to your XCode IDE, you can reference the collection of sample applications within the /Users/{UserName} /Library/ApplicationSupport/BlackBerry/Good.platform/iOS/Examples/objective-c directory.

Before running the sample apps you’ll need to configure them according to your use. In order to do so:

  1. Open and in XCode.


2.  Change their Bundle Identifiers for both the apps.



3.  Change their GDApplicationID and CFBundleURLTypes from Info.plist for both the apps.


4.  Next thing to change is the Application Identifiers in both applications in the Constants.h file i.e kGreetingsClientAppId in GreetingsServer app and kGreetingsServerAppId in GreetingsClient app.

5.  Register the apps with the Good Control Server and you have two interacting applications to play with. Refer to the Getting Started Guide.

That is how we implement OpenURL in Objective-C. If you found this helpful please refer to our Github account and BlackBerry Dynamics developer website.

Happy Coding!

Gurjit Ghangura

About Gurjit Ghangura

Enterprise Solutions Developer, Love BlackBerry, Developer at Heart.