LIVE Enterprise Developer Webcast Series: Writing rich mobile applications with BlackBerry’s Good Enterprise Mobility Server (GEMS)

WEBCASTS / 09.20.16 / BlackBerry


Learn how to write rich mobile applications with mobile backend services provided by Good Dynamics Mobility Platform. Enable your apps with powerful features such as Mobile Presence, Document repository access in your applications with simple out of box APIs. Good Enterprise Mobility Server (GEMS), provides valuable mobile backend APIs for Presence, Directory Lookups, Documents access etc. Learn about the different services and APIs available and check out what it means to add a service to your custom Good Dynamics application through sample applications and demonstrations.

Writing rich mobile applications with BlackBerry’s
Good Enterprise Mobility Server (GEMS)

DATE: September 22, 2016
TIME: 11:00am ET

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BlackBerry is an enterprise software and services company focused on securing and managing IoT endpoints.