Today I would like to tell you more about Jonah Lin, a developer who has been spending a lot of time developing apps for BlackBerry, evangelizing Chinese companies about the BlackBerry platform and maintaining a very active enterprise developer group in Shanghai.
Jonah, being both a developer Elite and Enterprise Developer Group manager, has been very busy in the past few years in order ensure the community he manages was aligned with the main goals of the company, even in a huge country like China.
For example, they put a lot of effort into maintaining a Chinese version of our developer website as well as helping local devs with BlackBerry World Payments through Paypal. Last but not least, they have been constantly in touch with the BlackBerry local teams in Hong Kong and Indonesia, trying to help whenever possible.
After countless meetups and lots of apps developed, he is certainly one of the dev group managers who understood where the company was heading and re-invented himself accordingly.
For example, since BlackBerry is not present in Shanghai, Jonah started getting many inquiries from local top companies about BlackBerry devices and BES.
“We see BlackBerry’s BES as a valuable and attractive platform to top international companies and BlackBerry’s unique brand and device design still get eyeballs.”
Jonah also took the decision, for his company, to stop mobile app development for the consumer market, since they started seeing a great opportunity in the enterprise market. They also started meeting with other enterprise devs in China, lending BlackBerry devices to allow them to test the apps being developed.
In addition to that, with the help from BlackBerry team in Hong Kong, Jonah and his dev group started selling BlackBerry devices to Chinese users and fans and also to a few local top companies. To date, in the consumer market, they sold more than 1000 devices to Chinese fans. Impressive, right?
In the enterprise market, he and his team successfully provided BlackBerry devices to an Oil Company in ShanDong province in China via an enterprise developer group member. They also made several orders for ta op international company in Shanghai via Yuying Mobile. Last but not least, they helped them to install and configure a brand new BES service.
Right now, Jonah and his enterprise developer group have a main strategy to support BlackBerry: serve the local enterprise market with device provisioning and BES support and device sales to local users and fans.
At the same time, they are very close to the Hong Kong team to verify opportunities to be involved in app projects for big enterprise customers in the region. They are ready to go!
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