Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog
Do you still think of BlackBerry as one-platform company? Think again. We are completely cross-platform, and have been so for several years. Android apps started running on BlackBerry phones in 2013. Last year our BBM mobile messaging shipped on all major platforms. And on the enterprise (BES) side, we embraced management of platforms such as iOS and Android in 2013, and Windows Phone last year.
Another case in point: the Secure Work Space feature that we introduced with the BES10 version of our Enterprise Mobile Management platform a year and a half ago. Secure Work Space is our version of a popular MDM feature called containerization, enabling work data and apps to be run separately from their personal counterparts.
Such neat partitioning ensures air-tight security for work apps, and privacy for personal apps and data. No wonder it’s such a popular feature for any IT manager managing devices using…
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