You know that thing you’ve been planning to do? Building your first BlackBerry 10 app? Now’s the perfect time. And Erin (@ERahnen) and I (@PBernhardt) have put a few videos together to help you get started:
Intro to Cascades Part 1
If you don’t know what Cascades is, this video is for you. QML? JavaScript? Qt? Erin and I break it down.
Introduction to Cascades Part 2: Working with Samples
Not sure how to use an API? There’s probably a sample app that not only shows you, but gives you some code you can nab and reuse as well. We show off some of the best.
Cascades and Networking
Networking in Cascades. How does it work? With Erin and I to talk you through it, pretty easily!
Cascades and Data Storage
You’ve got data. Everyone does, no need to be ashamed. But Erin and I will show you where to put it so no one else will find it. We’ll even show you how to get it back out.
Multimedia Apps and BlackBerry 10
Because I’m the one writing this blog post and not Erin, I’m going to give you one more video. This time, it stars myself and my man Rashid. If you have any audio or video content to play, this is how to do it.
There are a lot of other great BlackBerryDev videos on YouTube, but most of them aren’t starring me. They’re still good though, check them out! If these videos help you get started on BlackBerry 10 development, let us know!