Guest post by Richard Balsewich
Last week the BlackBerry Evangelist and Wireless App Architect teams kicked off the first of three North American BlackBerry Jam Starter Sessions, beginning in Washington, D.C. Attendees came to learn about the new BlackBerry 10 platform and the recently released 10.2 update, as well as attend our Designer and Developer Mashup.
Some of the highlights of the Starter Session include:
Developer Deep Dive
With laptops in hand, attendees listened to an overview of the BlackBerry 10 platform and spent the better part of the day focusing on hands-on labs. BlackBerry 10’s native development environment (Cascades SDK and Momentics IDE) got a makeover with the 10.2 release and we reviewed some of these updates.
BlackBerry 10 as the Solution
The biggest highlight of the day came when we demonstrated BlackBerry 10 as the end-to-end mobile solution. Our demonstration of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 – including our MDM capabilities and Secure Work Space – on iOS and Android devices impressed many of the attendees. If you are not familiar with BES10 or BlackBerry Secure Work Space, here is a quick explanation:
The new BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 delivers more than just BlackBerry 10 management capabilities. It’s a suite of services all wrapped into a single pane of glass that mobility administrators use to get all the mobile jobs done. (e.g. device management., app management, policy enforcement, etc.). It also delivers and manages BlackBerry Secure Work Space. BlackBerry Secure Work Space not only provides an encrypted corporate workspace for data at rest on non-BlackBerry devices, but it also provides the same bi-directional encrypted VPN tunnel behind the firewall. If the BlackBerry Enterprise Service can see your protected web services, so can your application with simple service calls – no VPN token workflow needed. For enterprise developers (or developers targeting enterprise), this means they don’t have to worry about bloating their mobile applications with extra connectivity workflows.
Designer Developer Mashup
After a hard day’s work our developers had the opportunity to network with some local designers for an evening of mingling and tons of giveaways. Over 40 attendees came together to discuss some of the great work that they were doing for BlackBerry, and we’re hopeful that several positive connections were made! This made for a great end to our Washington visit.