Editor’s Note: We thought you’d like the following guest post by Don Deacon because it’s a great example of how developing enterprise apps can increase employee productivity and help businesses move forward.
Is it just me or do you also have recollections of having a few beers while trying to get computer science assignments done before going out on a Thursday night with friends? Now that I’m a few years older, there’s a new kind of relationship between beer and software that’s caught my interest and that’s how we can enable people in the food service industry to quickly make fact based decisions utilizing machine-to-machine technology, cloud services, and mobile devices. Check out the video below where we’ve used the Orlando Brewing Company as an example:
Imagine a situation where a food services rep needs to make sure that their accounts have adequate stock of perishable goods, and where they fight to maintain a presence in their customer accounts. By leveraging real-time inventory status information and tying into cloud services like salesforce.com, an account rep can provide the best service levels to their customers, ensuring the highest level of satisfaction.
We’ve had the pleasure of working with bitHeads and the Orlando Brewing company to deliver an open sourced sample application that you can use as an example to implement functionality just like this for your company. We’re also hosting a webcast for developers to review the sample and give advice on how this type of technology can be implemented today on BlackBerry 10.
Webcast details: Fact Based Decision Making using Context, Location, and Time
August 29th, 2013 from 10:00am to 11:30am EDT
Register Now
To get you started, the source code for the Orlando Brewing application is available on the BlackBerry Github webpage, and you can learn about it by registering for this and other upcoming Enterprise Development Webcasts.
We want your input: How have mobile apps helped your business to operate more efficiently or improve customer satisfaction? Share in the comments below.